History of Helping Hands
The Helping Hands Society is a non-profit agency which believes in the creed that all persons with handicaps regardless of race, age, type of handicap, financial status, or place of residence are entitled to the services needed for maximum development of their potential as accepting and contributing members of society.
The Society was founded in 1924 and legally incorporated in 1927. Since the inception, the Society has expanded to such a degree that it now provides a host of services for handicaps of all ages, types and classification.
The organization is governed by a Board of Directors selected from the community at large. The Board membership represents a wide range of talent and expertise and is elected by the Society membership. It meets the first Monday of each month of the year and decides questions of policy and fiscal management.
The Society’s purpose is to enhance the independence of people with disabilities, and to assure full participation by persons with disabilities in settings and activities of their choice with persons who do not have disabilities, provided that the person(s) can demonstrate the ability to cope and compete with the non-disabled in a fair and equitable manner.
In so doing, the Society can assure services for people with disabilities whose demographic characteristics such as: ethnicity, age, religion, genger, marital status, and cultural background are largely representative of the general population in the territories served, and that these services will be provided regardless of a person’s financial status and that those services are of best quality, provided by proven and properly certified specialists.